Charlotte’s experience in The Room

Charlotte’s experience in The Room

I knew going into this project that my role would be somewhat fluid, Anthony and I had spoken about some ideas that he wanted to include within the piece, this included a song he wanted me to create and some vocal ideas but that anything else would be inspired along the way.

Our initial writing session was for me the best part of the project as I think there is a kind of magic that happens at the initial stages when everyone’s creativity is at it’s most heightened and you have the freedom of exploration. A lot of those ideas from the initial session were carried through to the final piece.

Me and Anthony next had a vocal session and played around with some vocal melodies, we decided that there was going to be an arguing scene which we recorded, that then started to tap into the acting side of my role within this project.

Next were our sessions at Ludus Dance.  At this stage I got to explore and more of the acting part I play within the piece, this for me was the biggest learning curve within the project, it is also the part I enjoyed the most.  It was challenging to take on the role of the mother within the piece and get into the negative space of how the mother was thinking and feeling, and then portray that, but it was enjoyable to explore the creativity if it.

Some interviews and soundbites within the piece were very difficult to listen to and very shocking, I learnt that discrimination and persecution for the LGBT community unfortunately is still alive and kicking, here in the UK.

I also learnt a lot about Anthony and his process in coming out and how that has shaped him as an individual. I learnt that this also isn’t isolated and that a lot of young Lesbian and Gay people feel torment around this subject.

I loved seeing the process of this project and how darkness within the human spirit has been turned into a meaningful and beautiful art form.



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